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Why is "auto const&" not read-only?

#include <tuple>

int main()
    int xa = 1;
    int ya = 2;

    auto const& [xb, yb] = std::tuple<int&, int&>(xa, ya);

    xb = 9; // Shouldn't this be read-only?

    return xa + ya;

This not only compiles, but returns 11.

So two questions:

  1. Why am I allowed to write to xb when it is specified as auto const&? Shouldn't this fail to compile?

  2. Why can't I replace "auto const&" with "auto&" and have it compile? Both Clang (6.0) and g++ (7.3) complain with an error message like "non-const lvalue reference of type<...> cannot bind to temporary of type tuple<...>"



    1. You're getting a const reference to a tuple of non-const references to ints. You're then breaking out that tuple into two non-const references. To make the int references const, you need to make the int references const:

      auto const& [xb, yb] = std::tuple<const int&, const int&>(xa, ya);
    2. The tuple you are creating is an unnamed temporary, so you can't bind a non-const reference to it, even though that reference is itself unnamed.