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Dispatch after last dispatch chain finishes

What the dispatch order should look like:

;; Initial Data
(dispatch [:http/get-bar])
;; We click something to update foo
(dispatch [:http/update-foo])
;; :success handler gets run:
(dispatch [:http-success/update-foo])
;; Foo data influences bar data, we want to get-bar again after foo updates
(dispatch [:http/get-bar])

If we have something like this:

 (fn []
   (dispatch [:http/update-foo])
   (dispatch [:http/get-bar]))}

The order will really look like:


We are unable to guarantee the update succeeds before we get bar again. It is possible to dispatch :http/get-bar as part of :http-success/update-foo, but hard-coding makes things less flexible. In my specific use case, I have a modal component that is used on two different pages. On clicking save, both will dispatch to [:http/update-foo] but one page will follow up with [:http/get-bar] and another will follow up with [:http/get-baz], both of which need foo to finish updating first.


  • This sounds to me like something you can solve with re-frame-async-flow-fx.

    Your code could look something like this:

    (defn modal-flow [dispatch-after]
      {:first-dispatch [:http/update-foo]
       :rules [
         {:when :seen? :events :http/update-foo-success :dispatch [dispatch-after]}
      (fn [_ _]
        {:async (modal-flow :get/update-foo)}))
      (fn [_ _]
        {:async (modal-flow :get/update-baz)}))

    Async flows are really powerful for crafting these kinds of dependencies, allowing you to keep your individual handlers free from hardcoded (or awkwardly parameterized) dispatch-after values.