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Renjin can't load pckages

I'm a newbie with Renjin. I'm trying to use Renjin in a Java application. I'm trying to develop the example showed here.

I'm compiling with gradle, as recommended in the renjin's web page.

So, with gradle build all is ok when I run gradle build.

Building with Renjin 0.8.2527
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:startScripts UP-TO-DATE
:distTar UP-TO-DATE
:distZip UP-TO-DATE
:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:test UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
:build UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 1.954 secs

But, when I want run the application with gradle run I get this.

Exception in thread "main" org.renjin.eval.EvalException: Could not load package a4Base; tried org.renjin.bioconductor:a4Base, org.renjin.cran:a4Base
        at org.renjin.primitives.packaging.NamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(
        at org.renjin.primitives.packaging.NamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(
        at org.renjin.primitives.packaging.Packages.library(
        at org.renjin.primitives.R$primitive$library.doApply(R$primitive$
        at org.renjin.primitives.R$primitive$library.apply(R$primitive$
        at org.renjin.primitives.special.InternalFunction.apply(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluateCall(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluate(
        at org.renjin.primitives.special.BeginFunction.apply(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluateCall(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluate(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluate(
        at org.renjin.sexp.Closure.doApply(
        at org.renjin.eval.ClosureDispatcher.apply(
        at org.renjin.eval.ClosureDispatcher.applyClosure(
        at org.renjin.sexp.Closure.apply(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluateCall(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluate(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluateExpressionVector(
        at org.renjin.eval.Context.evaluate(
        at org.renjin.script.RenjinScriptEngine.eval(
        at org.renjin.script.RenjinScriptEngine.eval(
        at com.flood.Statistics.testrenjin(
        at com.flood.Flood.main(

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

I've tried with different packages, with the same result. I searched the packages in the site and the packages exists, so I think isn't about availability.

Anyone had the same problem? And solved it?

Thanks in advance.


  • You need to add the a4base package to your project.

    With gradle, you can add the line:

    dependencies {
        compile "org.renjin.bioconductor:a4Base:1.27.0-b3"

    And Gradle will download the JAR and make it available to your application.

    You can read more about using R packages with Java applications here: