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getJSON fails silently

I'm working with a project including placing some markers at a Leaflet map. I use PostGIS to store the markers. I use Django as backend. When I try to access the markers through a $.getJSON it files silently.

This is the code that fails:

function sendCategories(map){
    var checks = $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').map(function(){
               return $(this).val();
    var liste = JSON.stringify(checks);
    var categories ="{% url 'events:listEvents' 12345 %}".replace(/12345/,liste);
    $.getJSON(categories, function(data) {


What is interesting is that I have this piece of code, that does simiar things, but works properly:

function addEvents(map) {
    var EventPoints = "{% url 'events:pointData' %}";
    $.getJSON(EventPoints, function (data) {

Both of the urls haves the same data, I did check it multiple times.

When I try to log the error I get this:

getJSON failed, status: error, error: 


  • Okay, it looks like the error with getJSON was caused by a form that refreshed the page. When I added event.preventDeafult() getJSON started to work.