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Mongo Change Stream "not authorized to execute command"

Here is the problem. I have local mongos instance that is connected to remote mongod. Remote DB uses basic password authentication. I'm trying to setup ChangeStream watcher for particular collection with simple Scala application. The actual code looks like that:

  private val mongo = new MongoClient(
    new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017),
    MongoCredential.createCredential("username", "myDB", "password".toCharArray),
  private val collection = mongo

  private val ch = collection

It breaks on .fullDocument(FullDocument.UPDATE_LOOKUP) line telling:

Exception in thread "main" com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 13: 'not authorized on myDB to execute command { aggregate: "someObjectsCollection", pipeline: [ { $changeStream: { fullDocument: "updateLookup" } } ], cursor: {}, $db: "myDB", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1524064297, 2), ....

That's confusing because given user credentials working through mongo shell both on remote DB and local mongos. Moreover, I tried to perform some other actions with collection inside that application (like collection.count()) and it works! The problem appears when I'm trying to setup the watcher.


  • finally I figured out what was wrong with my setup...

    original user 'username' that I was using to consume change stream had strict permission set:

    "inheritedPrivileges" : [
            "resource" : {
                "db" : "abuCoreDev", 
                "collection" : ""
            "actions" : [

    I didn't realize that I need special changeStream permission to consume change streams! Everything works fine when I connect to mongos as root which has that cursed permission.

    Here you can see permissions for my root user:

                "resource" : {
                    "db" : "", 
                    "collection" : ""
                "actions" : [