So I have this java class which reads a file with multiple lines and whenever it reaches this part
It's supposed to read the values of that (return F, C, Y)
I've tried ClassString = temp.substring(0, 20).trim();
but it always returns StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (eString index out of range: 20)
Not sure why, I counted that line from the start and Y is in index 20.
Here is how I would do it, of course some error checking might be needed.
temp = temp.trim();
String[] result = new String[] {String.valueOf(temp.charAt(0)),
temp.substring(1, temp.length()-2).trim(),
or as a char array
temp = temp.trim();
char[] result2 = new char[] {temp.charAt(0),
temp.substring(1, temp.length()-2).trim().charAt(0),