I'm using jclouds Java SDK, i search in the documentation and in the jclouds examples for how to get the tags of a Nova server, but i didn't find any mention of it. i found some other function to get the instance name, instance metadata and so on in the following code
NovaApi novaApi = computeServiceContext.unwrapApi(NovaApi.class);
String region = novaApi.getConfiguredRegions().iterator().next();
ServerApi serverApi = novaApi.getServerApi(region);
Server instance = serverApi.get(TEMP_SERVERNAME);
in the variable instance
i can get information about the instance such as metadata for example, but not the tags.
my question is this OpenStack API implemented in the jclouds SDKs? if yes how can i call it?
That API call is not yet implemented in the jclouds Server API. However, it should be pretty easy and straightforward to add that method. Would you be willing to contribute to the project and add it? I would be more than happy to help you get that done!