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remove query parameter with java string operations

I have a simple problem and yet to find the optimal solution.

Imagine I have a url with a query param named 'id' like any of the following formats

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?id=123
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?id=123&xxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx&id=123
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx&id=123&xxxxx

I'm taking the above string (could be any one above) as a String parameter and want to figure out the simplest way to remove the query parameter id (name and value), so that even after removing, it will be a valid url.

Below are my expected outputs (in order).

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx&xxxxx

Can anyone have a good idea? (only with String operations, without any util classes)


  • You can use replaceAll which is using regex like so :

    String[] urls = new String[]{
        "xxxxxxxxxxxxx?id=123", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx?id=123&xxxxxxxx", 
        "xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx&id=123", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxxxx&id=123&xxxxx"
    for (String url : urls) {
                url.replaceAll("([\\?&]id=\\d+$)|(id=\\d+&)", "")




    Regex demo


    this regex ([\?&]id=\d+$)|(id=\d+&) mean to match :

    • ([\?&]id=\d+$) first group
      • [\?&] match literal ? or & character
      • id followed by literal id word
      • \d+ followed by one or mode digit
      • $ end of line
    • | or
    • (id=\d+&) match group two
      • id match literal id word
      • \d+ followed by one or mode digit
      • & match literal & character

    If you the input after id= can be other than a digit you can use \w instead which match \w word character which can match any character in [A-Za-z0-9_]