Can any one tell me how to decode a base64 encoded image in classic ASP? The image is encoded by Java org.apache base64 class. The Java uses RFC 2045 for base64 decoding.
You can use the Capicom COM object. I've been using it to to the reverse (base64 encoding). This is what I would do (if you've got a big loop, you'd better have the CreateObject done outside the loop, but in simple cases this should do it):
Function Base64Decode(encodedString)
Dim caputil : Set caputil = CreateObject("CAPICOM.Utilities")
If len(encodedString) > 0 Then
Base64Decode = caputil.Base64Decode(encodedString)
Base64Decode = ""
End If
Set caputil = Nothing
End Property
Reference :
By the way, capicom.dll can be downloaded from MS site :