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jax-rs consuming org.json.JSONObject respsonds with Exception

I am trying to build a rest api that should consume json/x-application data. Now I have looked into two libraries javax.json-api and org.json for handling the data.

Example JSON:

    "error": "false",
    "error_msg": "",
    "version": "1.13.10",
    "result": {
        "malware": {
            "finding1": {
                "file": "/path/to/filep",
                "malware": "{HEX}"
    "newest_version": "1.13.10"

If I now consume this with javax JsonObject, it will work and I can go on with my code. BUT, if i instead post this data and I use org.json.JSONObject I will receive response at the client:

Unrecognized field "error" (class org.json.JSONObject), not marked as ignorable

Tried to find responses on the web, but I didnt step over anything that explains this?

Regards and Thanks


  • Well,

    I do not really know if there is a solution for this. Eventually the REST architectural style does not support JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject). However, the workaround is pretty easy, just consume the json as a String (still you can declare HTTP Request to enforce the type application/json).

    So this could look like the following:

    public String receiveRequest(String json) {
        JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json);