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Clarification on raster::adjacent() output values:

I am trying to create a rooks case adjacency matrix using raster::adjacent(), but I am having trouble understanding the output.

Reproducible Example:


r <- raster(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)

rAdjacent <- raster::adjacent(r, cells = 1:ncell(r), pairs = TRUE, directions = 4) 

      from to
 [1,]    1  3
 [2,]    2  1
 [3,]    3  2
 [4,]    4  6

From my interpretation of the output, the output says that 1 and 3 have a rooks case relationship (and if I understand this type of relationship correctly, they do not).

Question 1. Is this correct? Am I interpreting this output correctly?

Question 2. How do I create an output using adjacent() or something else that gives me pairs of adjacent cell numbers?

Thanks :)


  • You need to project your raster.

    The function connects the outer meridians if the raster is not projeced (in a geographic (lat/lon) "projection") and there is data at longitudes -180 and 180 degrees. (from here).

    r <- raster(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
    crs(r) <- CRS("+proj=robin +datum=WGS84")
    rAdjacent <- raster::adjacent(r, cells = 1:ncell(r), 
                                  pairs = TRUE, directions = 4) 
          from to
     [1,]    1  2
     [2,]    1  4
     [3,]    2  1
     [4,]    2  3
     [5,]    2  5
     [6,]    3  2
     [7,]    3  6
     [8,]    4  5
     [9,]    4  1
    [10,]    4  7
    [11,]    5  4
    [12,]    5  6
    [13,]    5  2
    [14,]    5  8
    [15,]    6  5
    [16,]    6  3
    [17,]    6  9
    [18,]    7  8
    [19,]    7  4
    [20,]    8  7
    [21,]    8  9
    [22,]    8  5
    [23,]    9  8
    [24,]    9  6