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Klov Report- Where to view the generated report in mongo DB

I have configured Klov reporter as follows

  private static ExtentReports _extentReport;
  private static KlovReporter _klovReporter;
  private static ExtentTest _currentTest;

 _extentReport = new ExtentReports();
 _klovReporter = new KlovReporter();
 _klovReporter.InitMongoDbConnection("localhost", 27017);
 _klovReporter.ProjectName = "CsharpReports";
 _klovReporter.ReportName = "Build " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
 _klovReporter.KlovUrl = "http://localhost:27017";

I'm using Mongo DB v3.2 and it is up and listening on port 27017 and I'm creating few tests using ExtentTest and logging in it.

_currentTest = _extentReport.CreateTest("testName");
_currentTest.Log(Status.Pass, messageToLog);

After I flush the report, where do I find the kolv report? Also when I hit http://localhost:27017/ on the browser, it shows like It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port. Did I miss any configuration pieces of stuff?


  • Klov's default settings point to port 80. Try http://localhost if you are running the server on the same box as mongodb.