I have a string and want split them in an array based on type. I can extract numbers and floats like below, but is not complete to my goal
var arr = "this is a string 5.86 x10‘9/l 1.90 7.00"
.map(function (v) {return v;});
arr = [5.86, 10, 9, 1.9, 7]
I would like have even chunk of string type and mixed like "x10‘9/l":
arr = ["this is a string", 5.86, "x10‘9/l", 1.9, 7]
can someone figure out?
const result = [];
const str = "this is a string 5.86 x10‘9/l 1.90 7.00";
result.push(str.split(" ").reduce((acc, part) => isNaN(part) ? acc + " " + part : ((acc && result.push(acc)), result.push(+part), ""), ""));