Assume I have the type
public class A<T> { }
and somewhere in the code I want to throw an exception related to incorrect usage of that type:
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use A<T> like that.");
So far, so good, but I don't want to hardcode the classes name, so I thought I could maybe use
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot use {nameof(A<T>)} like that.");
instead, but in this context I don't know the exact type T
So I thought maybe I could do it with template specialization like in C++:
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot use {nameof(A)} like that.");
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot use {nameof(A<>)} like that.");
but those yield
Incorrect number of type parameters.
Type argument is missing.
I absolutely don't want to hardcode the classes name for it might change later. How can I get the name of the class, preferably via nameof
Optimally, what I want to achieve is "Cannot use A<T> like that."
or "Cannot use A like that."
If you don't care about displaying T
, you can just use e.g. nameof(A<object>)
, assuming object
complies with the generic type constraints.
This results in "Cannot use A like that."
If you want to print exactly A<T>
, you could use:
But only from within the class, as T
does not exist elsewhere.