Currently I have the following for my test class:
public class TestApp extends TestGroovy {
I use 'Parameterized' for multiple inputs in a string concatenation. This is typically a template I use for most of my test units. However, I now have the need to add a PowerMock'ed class to my test unit and have had to add the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class)
line. I obviously can't have multiple @RunWiths so what is an alternative? The test itself is as follows:
public void testCheckedApproved() throws Exception{
Mockito.verify(dsIn, Mockito.times(1)).setItemDate(1,"XX_APPROV_DATE",new DateTime());
Mockito.verify(dsIn, Mockito.times(1)).setItemString(1,"XX_APPROV_USER", dl.getSession().getUserId());
As is already posted in the comments, use PowerMockRunnerDelegate
works for me:
Could you try it?