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Could not import 'cookbook.schema.schema'

I am going through the official tutorial provided by graphene-python for their library.

I, like a few others I have seen online, am having some serious issues trying to simply import the schema file within the project folder (project_name/ For reference, the project_name is cookbook as it is denoted within the tutorial.

This is within my

    'SCHEMA': 'cookbook.schema.schema'

and this is in the schema file tiself (project_name/

import graphene

import cookbook.schema

class Query(cookbook.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
    # This class will inherit from multiple Queries
    # as we begin to add more apps to our project

schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)

The error that I am getting is:

Could not import 'cookbook.schema.schema' for Graphene setting 'SCHEMA'. AttributeError: module 'cookbook' has no attribute 'schema'.

I have also tried a few other tutorials as well, but haven't had any luck. My project is on django 2.0.2 and graphene 2.0.1. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • I actually had incompatible versions of Django, Graphene and Django-environ.

    To solve, I made a virtualenv using mkvirtualenv. After that, I was able to follow this tutorial without any issues. It is capable of being stood up without a virtual environment, but it was far easier to just define one and get moving with a clean slate.