In my Code-First database i have a many-to-many relationship between the object "Question" and the object "Section", which is noted as follows: In Section:
public List<Question> Questions { get; set; }
In Question:
public List<Section> Sections { get; set; }
This does create a link table between the two, called QuestionSections. However, when I try to run my seed method, the link table does not get populated.
The relevant part of the code of the seed method is as follows:
var Sections = new List<Section>
new Section
InternalSectionId = 1,
Name = "Global information",
SurveyId = context.Surveys.First(s => s.Title == "Test Survey").Id
new Section
InternalSectionId = 2,
Name = "More specific",
SurveyId = context.Surveys.First(s => s.Title == "Test Survey").Id
new Section
InternalSectionId = 3,
Name = "TestingSection",
SurveyId = context.Surveys.First(s => s.Title == "Test Survey").Id
Sections.ForEach(x => context.Sections.AddOrUpdate(ss => ss.Name, x));
List<Section> section1 = context.Sections.Where(sect => sect.InternalSectionId == 1 && sect.SurveyId == 1)
List<Section> section2 = context.Sections.Where(sect => sect.InternalSectionId == 2 && sect.SurveyId == 1)
List<Section> section3 = context.Sections.Where(sect => sect.InternalSectionId == 3 && sect.SurveyId == 1)
var questions = new List<Question>
new Question
Sections = section1,
Title = "What is 1+1?",
QuestionOrderId = 1,
AnswerRequired = true,
InputTypeId = context.InputTypes.First(ip => ip.VisibleName.Equals("Dropdownbox")).Id,
StorageType = (int)Constants.Constants.StorageTypes.BoolType
new Question
Sections = section2,
Title = "What is 2/1?",
QuestionOrderId = 1,
AnswerRequired = true,
InputTypeId = context.InputTypes.First(ip => ip.VisibleName.Equals("Text")).Id,
StorageType = (int)Constants.Constants.StorageTypes.IntType
questions.ForEach(x => context.Questions.AddOrUpdate(q => q.Title, x));
context.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
The questions get created, the sections get created, but the link table is not populated. I have checked if the objects section1, section2, and section3 are initiated and populated, and they are.
What am I doing wrong?
You have to write the similar code to Link table also. questions.ForEach(x => context.Questions.AddOrUpdate(q => q.Title, x));
because DBContext has no idea of this link table when you are calling context.SaveChanges();