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PostgreSQL PL/PerlU trigger issue

I'm trying to create a PostgreSQL trigger on Linux written in Perl which should execute code based on external libraries. The SQL script containing the trigger looks like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_mytable_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$
  use lib "full_path_to_lib_dir";
  use MyModule;

$$ LANGUAGE plperlu
SET search_path = myschema, public, pg_temp;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS notify_mytable_update ON mytable;

CREATE TRIGGER notify_mytable_update AFTER UPDATE ON mytable
  EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_mytable_update();

The issue with this is that whenever I try to this script with psql I get a permission denied error in the Perl code for accessing MyModule. Giving full access to my home directory to postgres didn't help.

Thank you in advance!


  • Don't forget that to have access to a file, you not only need permissions to the file and the directory where it resides, but also to all directories in the path.

    So if your module is /home/george/, you need access to / and /home in addition to /home/george and the file itself.

    You'll have to give these permissions to the operating system user running the PostgreSQL server process, commonly postgres.