I am using an api which gives me the size of an image, such as 200KB (can be MBs also). Now I need to perform some action on images below a specific size. What I am trying to achieve is something like this:
String imgSize = img.getSize();
if(imgSize < 250KB) {
// Do Something
I can't use the relational operator here. What could be the best way to achieve this?
In addition to the previous answer, you can also do something like this. Convert the size to a size in bytes, then use Integer.parseInt(String s)
to get an int
value that you can check against.
String bytes = size.replace("KB", "000").replace("MB", "000000");
if (Integer.parseInt(bytes) <= 250000) {
//Do something.
If you're dealing with fractional numbers, this can work.
Map<String, Integer> conversions = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
conversions.put("KB", 1000);
conversions.put("MB", 1000000);
//Get numbers from String.
double doubleSize = Double.parseDouble(size.replaceAll("[A-Z]+$", ""));
//Get units from String.
String units = size.replaceAll("[0-9.]", "");
double bytes = doubleSize * conversions.get(units);
if (bytes <= 250000) {
//Do something.