My functional test file
namespace api\tests;
use api\tests\FunctionalTester;
use Yii;
class ExampleCest
public function _before(FunctionalTester $I)
public function _after(FunctionalTester $I)
// tests
public function tryToTest(FunctionalTester $I)
$I->seeResponseCodeIs(200); // Unauthorized
I tried 2 different functional.suite.yml files to run the test:
// 1. functional.suite.yml, test run successfully:
actor: FunctionalTester
url: http://api.xxxxx.local/v1/
depends: PhpBrowser
part: Json
- \api\tests\Helper\Functional
// 2. functional.suite.yml, test failed without setting defaultRoute in Yii configuration file, but succeed if I set `'defaultRoute' => 'v1/example/test2',`:
actor: FunctionalTester
url: v1/
depends: Yii2
part: Json
- \api\tests\Helper\Functional
The error message when failed:
ExampleCest: Try to test Signature: api\tests\ExampleCest:tryToTest Test: tests/functional/ExampleCest.php:tryToTest Scenario -- I send get "example/test2" [Request] GET v1/example/test2 [Request Headers] [] [yii\web\HttpException:404] 'yii\base\InvalidRouteException: Unable to resolve the request "". in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/gaea/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php:537
I have no idea why the 2nd functional.suite.yml file faied, since I can get right response in the browser from http://localhost/MYPROJECT/api/web/index.php?r=v1/example/test2.
My environment:
Codeception: v2.3.8
Yii: v2.0.14
PHP: v7.0.26
I solved this problem by changing url: v1/
to url: /v1
or removing it.