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Not able to set infowindow in map using pubnub

I want to track driver vehicles so that i am using pubnub service

Library : (suggested by pubnub support team)

I set one socket to get latitude and longitude from drivers mobile devices every 30 seconds and using that values i showing markers on my admin dashboard map.

Here is my code:

// socket connection code is write here and socket is connected successfully

var pn = new PubNub({
      publishKey: 'pub-adsasdasd',
      subscribeKey: 'sub-asdasdadasdas'
var channel = 'eon-maps-geolocation-input';

var map ={
      pubnub: pn,
      id: 'map',
      mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e',
      mbToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFuamVubmluZ3MiLCJhIjoiZExwb0p5WSJ9.XLi48h-NOyJOCJuu1-h-Jg',
      options: {
          center: new L.LatLng(31.0461,34.8516),
          zoom: 8
      provider: 'google',
      googleKey: 'AIzaSyBYcy2l0Yf4lDADZ_i6dy0M6pFZyPQA',
      connect: connect

function connect() {
    socket.on('showrows', function(locations) {
        // console.log(locations);
        var arr = [];
        locations.forEach(function(i, v) {
            if (i[2] != null) {
                var obj = {};
                obj['latlng'] = [i[2], i[3]];              

        var new_torchys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr));
        for (var i = 0; i < new_torchys.length; i++) {

            new_torchys[i] = {
                marker: new_torchys[i].marker,
                latlng: [

            channel: channel,
            message: new_torchys


Above code displays marker successfully but i am not able to set info window while click on marker.

I write this code in for loop

var marker = L.marker([new_torchys[i].latlng[0], new_torchys[i].latlng[1]]).addTo(map);
marker.bindPopup("<b>Hello world!</b><br>I am a popup.");

But marker layer is overlay and map looks very bad.

I also want real time location while driver moving.

Please help me how to do this???


  • There is a callback function that can be passed to called marker. Within this function, create an instance of a mapbox icon, bind a popup to it, and then return it.

    var channel = 'eon-maps-geolocation-input';{
        pubnub: pubnub,
        id: 'map',
        mbToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFuamVubmluZ3MiLCJhIjoiZExwb0p5WSJ9.XLi48h-NOyJOCJuu1-h-Jg',
        mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e',
        channels: [channel],
        connect: connect,
        options: {
          zoomAnimation: false,
        marker: function (latlng, data) {
            var marker = new L.marker(latlng, {
              icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon()
            .bindPopup('<button class="trigger">Say hi</button>');
            return marker;

    If you are sending the geolocation from the device every 30 seconds, the map will automatically update as soon as the location is PubNub published on your specified channel eon-maps-geolocation-input

        channel: channel,
        message: new_torchys

    For Mapbox icon help refer to their docs

    For an in depth guide for location tracking with EON, check out this