I am trying to iterate through data of ExtReact store to get the data from the store using .getData()
Subsequently, when I try to iterate through the items, I don't get any results for a single item. It's like it is empty.
Here is the result of data.items
when I console.log
the whole array:
However, when I go through this array using forEach
I am getting nothing.
This is the code of forEach
if(userShortCutData.items !== undefined){
console.log(item); //nothing is consol.log-ed;
console.log(item.data); //nothing is consol.log-ed;
console.log(item._user); //nothing is consol.log-ed;
To get the underlying list of records as an array:
store.getRange().forEach(r => {
To use the built in store method:
store.each(r => {
You can use a load or refresh listener (depending on what you need) on the store to wait until data has been processed:
store.on('refresh', () => {
// do the magic();