In Odoo when I open an opportunity from "My pipeline" and on that opportunity I press button "New message" then customer from that opportunity appears (along with followers of that oppportunity) as a receiver of that message:
there is a checked checkbox near the name of that customer in the list of recipients for that message.
This is because file addons/mail/static/src/xml/chatter.xml
has this:
<!-- List of followers -->
<div class="o_composer_suggested_partners">
<t t-foreach='widget.suggested_partners' t-as='recipient'>
<div t-attf-title="Add as recipient and follower (reason: #{recipient.reason})">
<input type="checkbox"
t-att-checked="recipient.checked ? 'checked' : undefined"
<t t-esc=""/>
<t t-if="recipient.email_address">(<t t-esc="recipient.email_address"/>)</t>
And hovering on the one of the unwanted recipients shows following message "Adds as recipient and follower (reason: Customer)".
There is relevant source code in addons/crm/models/
def _message_add_suggested_recipient(self, result, partner=None, email=None, reason=''):
""" Called by message_get_suggested_recipients, to add a suggested
recipient in the result dictionary. The form is :
partner_id, partner_name<partner_email> or partner_name, reason """
if email and not partner:
# get partner info from email
partner_info = self.message_partner_info_from_emails([email])[0]
if partner_info.get('partner_id'):
partner = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse([partner_info['partner_id']])[0]
if email and email in [val[1] for val in result[self.ids[0]]]: # already existing email -> skip
return result
if partner and partner in self.message_partner_ids: # recipient already in the followers -> skip
return result
if partner and in [val[0] for val in result[self.ids[0]]]: # already existing partner ID -> skip
return result
if partner and # complete profile: id, name <email>
result[self.ids[0]].append((, '%s<%s>' % (,, reason))
elif partner: # incomplete profile: id, name
result[self.ids[0]].append((, '%s' % (, reason))
else: # unknown partner, we are probably managing an email address
result[self.ids[0]].append((False, email, reason))
return result
def message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
""" Returns suggested recipients for ids. Those are a list of
tuple (partner_id, partner_name, reason), to be managed by Chatter. """
result = dict((res_id, []) for res_id in self.ids)
if 'user_id' in self._fields:
for obj in self.sudo(): # SUPERUSER because of a read on res.users that would crash otherwise
if not obj.user_id or not obj.user_id.partner_id:
obj._message_add_suggested_recipient(result, partner=obj.user_id.partner_id, reason=self._fields['user_id'].string)
return result
and in addons/mail/static/src/js/chatter.js
message_get_suggested_recipients: function () {
var self = this;
var email_addresses = _.pluck(this.suggested_partners, 'email_address');
return this.thread_dataset
.call('message_get_suggested_recipients', [[this.context.default_res_id], this.context])
.done(function (suggested_recipients) {
var thread_recipients = suggested_recipients[self.context.default_res_id];
_.each(thread_recipients, function (recipient) {
var parsed_email = utils.parse_email(recipient[1]);
if (_.indexOf(email_addresses, parsed_email[1]) === -1) {
checked: true,
partner_id: recipient[0],
full_name: recipient[1],
name: parsed_email[0],
email_address: parsed_email[1],
reason: recipient[2],
Is there a way to make by default the checkbox not checked for the customer here?
Is that correct?
modify _message_add_suggested_recipient (in
) to
contain "checked" = False for the partner.
modify message_get_suggested_recipients (in chatter.js
) to take checked
value from parameter recipient
instead of making true
by default
(checked: true
Create a file in your module at /static/src/xml/chatter.xml
with following content:
<t t-name="mail.chatter.ChatComposer" t-extend="mail.chatter.ChatComposer">
<input type="checkbox" t-att-data-fullname="recipient.full_name" />
And then call this file in your manifest:
# name, author, ...
'qweb': [
Attention: That will change the behaviour in all chatters in Odoo. It was tested for v10 only.