I am able to retrieve the XML which contains the info about the files using the below piece of code:
XElement responseXML = XElement.Load(AWS_S3_URL);
ICollection<XElement> fileElements = responseXML.Elements("Contents") as ICollection<XElement>;
Debug.Log("responseXML.Elements() ===== " + fileElements.ToString());
The first line of code returns the following xml. But I am not able to retrieve the count of element:
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
<Prefix />
<Marker />
<Key>Bean Man with Affectiva.Editor.csproj</Key>
Able to do it easily using XmlDocument
instead of XElement
XmlDocument responseXML = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = responseXML.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList node = root.GetElementsByTagName("Contents");
Debug.Log("responseXML.Elements() ===== " + node.Count);