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Displaying variable label instead of variable name Stata's margins plot

In Stata, I would like to run a regression and visually display each variable's coefficients and their confidence intervals relative to zero, as the code and figure shown below:

sysuse auto
regress price mpg weight length foreign gear_ratio headroom rep78
margins, dydx(*)
marginsplot, horizontal recast(scatter) xline(0, lcolor(red)) xscale(range()) yscale(reverse)

enter image description here

On the y-axis, I would like to display the variable label (on the right) instead of variable name. What kind of options can one use to make that configuration?

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
price           int     %8.0gc                Price
mpg             int     %8.0g                 Mileage (mpg)
weight          int     %8.0gc                Weight (lbs.)
length          int     %8.0g                 Length (in.)
foreign         byte    %8.0g      origin     Car type
gear_ratio      float   %6.2f                 Gear Ratio
headroom        float   %6.1f                 Headroom (in.)
rep78           int     %8.0g                 Repair Record 1978

I realize that this can be a basic question but any thoughts are appreciated!


  • To my knowledge, there is no direct way of instructing marginsplot to show the labels of a variable instead of its name. However, as @Skimwhistle has pointed out, you can use ylabel to manually get the desired output.

    You can of course generalize this concept further by writing a small r-class program:

    program define foo, rclass
    syntax varlist
    local i = 0
    foreach var of local varlist {
        local ++i
        local varlabel : variable label `var'
        local varlabels `varlabels' `i' `" "`varlabel'" "'      
    return local xvarlabels `varlabels'

    Using this little program, which here we call foo, you can automatically obtain all variable labels in a list and then feed them to marginsplot:

    sysuse auto
    local xvars mpg weight length foreign gear_ratio headroom rep78
    foo `xvars'
    local xvarlabels `r(xvarlabels)'
    regress price `xvars'
    margins, dydx(*)
    marginsplot, horizontal allxlabels recast(scatter) xline(0, lcolor(red)) ///
    xscale(range()) yscale(reverse) ylabel(`xvarlabels')

    And voila, the labels are now all on the produced graph.

    Hope this helps.