I am having trouble generating a string inside a C routine.
int main(void) {
char *name;
void getName(char **name) {
*name = "#"; // Load with prefix
//?strcpy(*name[1], "123"); // Goal: "#123"
How can I have getName()
generate #123
as shown here?
1st problem: use malloc
to allocate memory.
char *name = malloc(sizeof("#123")+1);
Even if you will run it after allocating memory, it will give runtime error; as you are doing:
*name = "#";
The problem is first you allocate space for 5 chars and point your pointer to the beginning of that memory. Then in the second line you point your pointer to a string literal causing a memory leak.
The pointer no longer points to the allocated memory.
You will like to do this:
int main(void) {
char *name = malloc(sizeof("#123")+1);
printf("%s", name);
name = NULL;
void getName(char **name) {
strcpy((*name), "#");