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How to implement PeerJS server with Meteor?

I am using PeerJS for audio calling functionality in my project. Their website is down and the cloud servers are no longer working.

The solution I came across is to use peerjs-server library.

I also came across the answer in this question that explains how to use peerjs-server.

My question is what should I use in path in the following code:

var PeerServer = require('peer').PeerServer;
var server = PeerServer({port: 9000, path: '/myapp'});

Is it the peer.js file that I downloaded from here?

NOTE: the call functionality used to work, until PeerJS server went down and so does their website.

I would also appreciate any tips and guidance on how to implement peerjs-server in Meteor.


  • You shouldn't be using PeerJS if your plan is to actually launch a product.

    PeerJS is old and unmaintained - it is dead. You should be looking for other frameworks, ones that are more popular.

    Now, if what you are planning to end up with is group video calling, then look at Janus, Jitsi or Kurento - they should be better suited for what you need (and probably will have better, more updated code in them).

    Don't expect anyone to host the signaling of the solution for you for free either.