Want to find the next and previous object in relation to current.
This is what i have
this.props._id = currentId;
// Fetch current object data
data.video = Videos.findOne({_id: this.props._id});
// Using votes string from object above to find me objects
data.next = Videos.findOne({votes: {$gte: data.video.votes}});
data.previous = Videos.findOne({votes: {$lte: data.video.votes}};
I know this is not correct, sure it will return objects but it will not be the nearest object and there is also a chance i will return current object.
What i want to do is to return next or previous object where my selector is votes, I also want to make sure to use Id to exclude current object, then there is also a good chance that several objects will have the same number of votes.
Have been on this for 12 hours straight now and am pretty much back where i started so would really appreciate some examples to make me wrap my head around this, Not sure anymore if i should use find or findOne.
Here is the complete code
VideoPage = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
getMeteorData() {
var selector = {};
var handle = Meteor.subscribe('videos', selector);
var data = {};
data.userId = Meteor.userId();
data.video = Videos.findOne({_id: this.props._id});
data.next = Videos.findOne({votes: {$gte: data.video.votes}});
data.previous = Videos.findOne({votes: {$lte: data.video.votes}};
return data;
getContent() {
return <div>
<Youtube video={this.data.video} />
<LikeBox next={this.data.next._id} previous={this.data.previous._id} userId={this.data.userId} video={this.data.video} />
render() {
return <div>
{(this.data.video)? this.getContent() :
You need to:
data.video = Videos.findOne({ _id: currentId });
// object with next highest vote total
data.next = Videos.findOne({ _id: { $ne: currentId },
votes: { $gte: data.video.votes }},{ sort: { votes: 1 }});
// object with next lowest vote total
data.previous = Videos.findOne({ _id: { $ne: currentId },
votes: { $lte: data.video.votes },{ sort: { votes: -1 }});