When using CucumberJVM to write feature files, when passing in the variables from the scenario outline examples table, I am unable to get the steps to recognise a variable followed by ":".
Step definition:
@Given("^the following (.*) (.*): (.*)$")
Successfully detects this:
Given the following standard user: <username>
Does not detect this:
Given the following standard <account-type>: <username>
I want the best of both worlds, but when passing a variable from this example table for the step is not recognised by cucumber.
| username | account-type |
| Jason | user |
| Martin | manager |
How can I have the ":" symbol, detected and working within the feature file for both of these scenarios? is an ENUM and cucumber seems like its failing to convert it in this situation
As suggested in the comments, modify the pattern in the stepdefinition class.
@Given("^the following standard (.*?): (.*?)$")
public void the_following_standard_user( AccountType usertype,String user) {
is the enumeration.
public enum AccountType {
USER("user"), MANAGER("manager");
private final String type;
private AccountType(String type) {
this.type = type;