I have made a function it is actually having many asynchronous calls
function is something like this
const createOrUpdatePlan = (billPlans, serviceId, update) => {
let billPlansWithId;
let promises = [];
if (!update) {
billPlans.map(bp => {
bp.serviceId = serviceId;
return bp;
return db.serviceBillPlans.bulkCreate(billPlans);
} else {
//first promise
let findPromise = db.coachingClasses
attributes: ['billPlans'],
where: {
id: serviceId
.then(previousBillPlans => {
//creating new bill plans in edit class
let newBillPlans = billPlans.filter(bp => !bp.id);
if (newBillPlans.length > 0) {
newBillPlans = newBillPlans.map(bp => {
bp.serviceId = serviceId;
return bp;
// console.log(newBillPlans);
//second promise
let createPromise = db.serviceBillPlans
.then(newPlans => {
let p1;
billPlansWithId = billPlans.filter(bp => bp.id);
if (newPlans) {
newPlans.forEach(element => {
let object = {};
object.id = element.id;
(object.name = element.name),
(object.cycle = element.cycle),
(object.fees = element.fees);
billPlans = billPlansWithId;
return billPlans;
return Promise.all(promises).then((arr) => arr[1] );
I am calling this function in another function in which after this function call I am updating the data in another table which is received by this function
Currently what is happening in createOrUpdatePlan
function first promise is running but after that in second promise where I am inserting data and after that in then
.then(newPlans => {
let p1;
billPlansWithId = billPlans.filter(bp => bp.id);
if (newPlans) {
newPlans.forEach(element => {
let object = {};
object.id = element.id;
(object.name = element.name),
(object.cycle = element.cycle),
(object.fees = element.fees);
billPlans = billPlansWithId;
return billPlans;
This then
block code is running after this function has returned data in another function
since I have written console.log in this then
block so I am getting logs something like this
INSERT INTO `service_bill_plans` (`id`,`service_id`,`name`,`cycle`,`fees`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (NULL,'17','Five Months Plan',5,4000,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),(NULL,'17','Six Months Plan',6,5000,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
(node:8412) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): SequelizeValidationError: notNull Violation: coachingClasses.billPlans cannot be null
(node:8412) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
[ { id: 1, name: 'Monthly Plan', cycle: 1, fees: 1000 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Yearly Plan', cycle: 12, fees: 10000 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Two Months Plan', cycle: 2, fees: 1500 },
{ id: 4, name: 'Three Months Plan', cycle: 3, fees: 2500 },
{ id: 5, name: 'Four Months Plan', cycle: 4, fees: 3000 },
{ id: 148, name: 'Five Months Plan', cycle: 5, fees: 4000 },
{ id: 149, name: 'Six Months Plan', cycle: 6, fees: 5000 } ]
Since you can see data is inserted in the table in this function but after that in then
block it is not returning before the returning data in this function .
I am really stuck with this promise chain not able to understand what should I do . Please give some hints
In any promise chain, every then'able block must return a data or a another promise. This is the thumb rule for a promise chain.
The function createOrUpdatePlan
is returning a promise in "if" block, hence it is expected to return a promise in "else" block also. It is correct that you are returning Promise.all but you are combining inner promise and outer promise in Promise.all
db.coachingClasses // findPromise is created here (main).
.findAll({ ... })
.then(previousBillPlans => {
// createPromise is created here (inner promise);
// This then'able block must have a return data/promise - missing
return Promises.all(); // mix of inner and outer makes no sense.
The expected promise chain is as below
return db.coachingClasses // findPromise
.findAll({ ... })
.then(previousBillPlans => {
// return createPromise