Microsoft has deprecated GROUP BY ALL and while the query might work now, I'd like to future-proof this query for future SQL upgrades.
Currently, my query is:
SELECT qt.QueueName AS [Queue] ,
COUNT ( qt.QueueName ) AS [#ofUnprocessedEnvelopes] ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN dq.AssignedToUserID = 0 THEN 1
) AS [#ofUnassignedEnvelopes] ,
MIN ( dq.DocumentDate ) AS [OldestEnvelope]
FROM dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_QueueTypes AS [qt]
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_Queue AS [dq] ON dq.QueueID = qt.QueueTypeID
WHERE dq.IsProcessed = 0
AND dq.PageNumber = 1
GROUP BY ALL qt.QueueName
ORDER BY qt.QueueName ASC;
And the resulting data set:
<table><tbody><tr><td>Queue</td><td>#ofUnprocessedEnvelopes</td><td>#ofUnassignedEnvelopes</td><td>OldestEnvelope</td></tr><tr><td>Cancellations</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>NULL</td></tr><tr><td>Dealer</td><td>26</td><td>17</td><td>2018-04-06</td></tr><tr><td>Matched to Registration</td><td>93</td><td>82</td><td>2018-04-04</td></tr><tr><td>New Registration</td><td>166</td><td>140</td><td>2018-03-21</td></tr><tr><td>Remaining Documents</td><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>2018-04-04</td></tr><tr><td>Renewals</td><td>217</td><td>0</td><td>2018-04-03</td></tr><tr><td>Transfers</td><td>296</td><td>245</td><td>2018-03-30</td></tr><tr><td>Writebacks</td><td>53</td><td>46</td><td>2018-04-09</td></tr></tbody></table>
I've tried various versions using CTE's and UNION's but I cannot get result set to generate correctly - the records that have no counts will not display or I will have duplicate records displayed.
Any suggestions on how to make this work without the GROUP BY ALL?
Below is one attempt where I tried a CTE with a UNION:
;WITH QueueTypes ( QueueTypeID, QueueName )
AS ( SELECT QueueTypeID ,
FROM dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_QueueTypes )
SELECT qt.QueueName AS [Queue] ,
COUNT ( qt.QueueName ) AS [#ofUnprocessedEnvelopes] ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN dq.AssignedToUserID = 0 THEN 1
) AS [#ofUnassignedEnvelopes] ,
CONVERT ( VARCHAR (8), MIN ( dq.DocumentDate ), 1 ) AS [OldestEnvelope]
FROM QueueTypes AS qt
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_Queue AS dq ON dq.QueueID = qt.QueueTypeID
WHERE dq.IsProcessed = 0
AND dq.PageNumber = 1
GROUP BY qt.QueueName
SELECT qt.QueueName AS [Queue] ,
COUNT ( qt.QueueName ) AS [#ofUnprocessedEnvelopes] ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN dq.AssignedToUserID = 0 THEN 1
) AS [#ofUnassignedEnvelopes] ,
CONVERT ( VARCHAR (8), MIN ( dq.DocumentDate ), 1 ) AS [OldestEnvelope]
FROM QueueTypes AS qt
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_Queue AS dq ON dq.QueueID = qt.QueueTypeID
GROUP BY qt.QueueName
But the results are not close to being correct:
Your current query doesn't work as it seems to work, because while you outer join table VehicleReg_Documents_Queue
you dismiss all outer joined rows in the WHERE
clause, so you are where you would have been with a mere inner join. You may want to consider either moving your criteria to the ON
clause or make this an inner join right away.
It is also weird that you join queue type and queue not on the queue ID or the queue type ID, but on dq.QueueID = qt.QueueTypeID
. That's like joining employees and addresses on employee number matching the house number. At least that's what it looks like.
(Then why does your queue type table have a queue name? Shouldn't the queue table contain the queue name instead? But this is not about your query, but about your data model.)
means: "Please give us all QueueNames, even when the WHERE
clause dismisses them. I see two possibilities for your query:
clause and you can simply make this GROUP BY qt.QueueName
.GROUP BY ALL qt.QueueName
to GROUP BY qt.QueueName
.In that second case we want all QueueNames first and outer join your query:
qn.QueueName AS [Queue],
FROM (select distinct QueueName from VehicleReg_Documents_QueueTypes) qn
SELECT qt.QueueName,
COUNT ( qt.QueueName ) AS [#ofUnprocessedEnvelopes] ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN dq.AssignedToUserID = 0 THEN 1
) AS [#ofUnassignedEnvelopes] ,
MIN ( dq.DocumentDate ) AS [OldestEnvelope]
FROM dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_QueueTypes AS [qt]
JOIN dbo.VehicleReg_Documents_Queue AS [dq] ON dq.QueueID = qt.QueueTypeID
WHERE dq.IsProcessed = 0
AND dq.PageNumber = 1
) q ON q.QueueName = qn.QueueName
GROUP BY ALL qn.QueueName
ORDER BY qn.QueueName ASC;