I'm doing RSPEC testing and need to stub or make a fake request to return static hash.
I have:
ShopifyAPI::Theme.all.select{|t| t.role == "main"}.first
I know to stub that ShopifyAPI::Theme.all
Like: allow(ShopifyAPI::Theme).to receive(:all).and_return( test_main_theme )
And I have helper method.
def test_main_theme
"id": 2335539244,
"name": "Debut",
"created_at": "2017-12-22T18:13:24-05:00",
"updated_at": "2018-04-11T20:16:17-04:00",
"role": "main",
"theme_store_id": 796,
"previewable": true,
"processing": false
but having .select{|t| t.role == "main"}.first
is another way.
Thanks in advance.
You can try:
allow(ShopifyAPI::Theme).to receive_message_chain(:all, :select, :first)
see https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/3-5/docs/working-with-legacy-code/message-chains