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Report of batches in Batch Manager

Is there a way to generate a report of all the current batches on KOFAX Batch Manager?


  • There is a view in the Kofax DB for that. It is the view used by the report viewer. Here is an extract of the online help. Search for "report viewer" for more information


    This view includes one row for each batch currently in the system. These values are always available, even if user tracking is not enabled Column Description

    BatchGUID String that uniquely identifies a batch.

    ExternalBatchID External ID of the batch.

    BatchName Name of the batch.

    BatchClassName Name of the batch class.

    ModuleName Localized name of the current module. Same as Queue in Batch Manager.

    ModuleUniqueID Not localized unique ID for the current module.

    ModuleCustom True if the current module is a custom module.

    Description Batch description.

    Priority Current batch priority.

    StationID ID of the station processing the batch.

    ContainsErrors Same as the ! column in Batch Manager.

    ActualPages Number of pages in the batch as of the last time a session was closed.

    ActualDocs Number of documents in the batch as of the last time a session was closed.

    BatchStatus Same as StatsBatchModule.BatchStatus.

    BatchStatusName String equivalent of BatchStatus.

    InProgressString Descriptive information about the batch current state when it is being processed. Currently used only by Kofax Capture Network Server.

    NextSiteGUID Unique ID of the site where the batch is processed next. Same as the current site GUID if Kofax Capture Network Server is not used.

    NextSiteName Name of the site where the batch is processed next.

    CreationDate Date and time when the batch was created.

    CreationTimeZone Number of minutes that the creation time varies from GMT.

    CreationSiteGUID Unique ID of the site where the batch was created.

    CreationSiteName Name of the site where the batch was created.

    CreationSiteTZName String representing the time zone where the batch was created.

    And, if you use the default SQLServer Express, you have to use the StatMgr user. See

    There are also many tables and view, all in the online help.

    Best regards, Pierre