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Regarding cursors in T-SQL - how to make the column name as field name

if my tables are not clear, I am trying to find differences between a normal table and an audit table.


A_n   L_name       A_status   
1     abc          AL       
2     def          AC       


a_n   audit_field        field_after    
1     L_name             abd    
1     a_status           AL 
2     L_name             def    
2     a_status           AD 


a_n   field_after   audit_field   a_n   name
1      abc           l_name        1    abd

a_n   field_after   audit_field   a_n   name
2      AC            a_status      2    AD


a_n   field_after   audit_field   a_n   name
1     abc           l_name        1     l_name
2     def           l_name        1     l_name

a_n   field_after   audit_field   a_n   name
1     AL            a_status      1     a_status
2     AC            a_status      2     a_status

The problem is in the iam_audit it is a column name and in Iam it is a column itself. I have lot more columns to compare thatsy using cursor. Any solution?

(check my image attached for clear picture)

declare @af varchar(500)
set @af = 'L_Name,A_Status'

declare @pa varchar(50)

declare audit_cur cursor for
     select ltrim(rtrim(Parameter)) 'Audit_FLD' 
     from phngeneral.dbo.fcn_TheDelimiterEliminator(@af,',')

OPEN audit_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM audit_cur into @pa

    select *
        (select  a.A_n, a.field_after, audit_field
         from Db.iam_audit a
         where a.Audit_Field = @af) i
    left join
        (select distinct a_n, @pa as name
         from Db.iam) il on i.a_n = il.a_n 
        i.audittable_field_after <>
    order by 
        1 desc

    FETCH NEXT FROM audit_cur into @pa

CLOSE audit_cur
DEALLOCATE audit_cur


  • I also think you can use dynamic SQL as HABO said.

    You need to generate and execute the following queries

    SELECT a.A_n,i.audit_field,a.L_name field_value,i.field_after
    FROM Iam_audit a
    JOIN Iam i ON i.audit_field='L_name' AND i.A_n=a.A_n AND a.L_name<>i.field_after
    SELECT a.A_n,i.audit_field,a.A_status field_value,i.field_after
    FROM Iam_audit a
    JOIN Iam i ON i.audit_field='A_status' AND i.A_n=a.A_n AND a.A_status<>i.field_after

    Demo tables and data

    create table Iam_audit(A_n int,L_name varchar(10),A_status varchar(10))
    insert Iam_audit(A_n,L_name,A_status)values
    create table Iam(a_n int,audit_field varchar(10),field_after varchar(10))
    insert Iam(a_n,audit_field,field_after)values

    And final solution

    declare @af varchar(500) = 'L_Name,A_Status'
    declare @pa varchar(50)
    -- I think you can replace it to your cursor version with fcn_TheDelimiterEliminator
    declare audit_cur cursor for
         select distinct audit_field
         from Iam
         where concat(',',@af,',') like concat('%,',audit_field,',%')
    declare audit_cur cursor for
         select ltrim(rtrim(Parameter)) 'Audit_FLD' 
         from phngeneral.dbo.fcn_TheDelimiterEliminator(@af,',')
    OPEN audit_cur
    FETCH NEXT FROM audit_cur into @pa
    declare @cmd varchar(1000)
        set @cmd=concat('SELECT a.A_n,i.audit_field,a.',@pa,' field_value,i.field_after
    FROM Iam_audit a
    JOIN Iam i ON i.audit_field=''',@pa,''' AND i.A_n=a.A_n AND a.',@pa,'<>i.field_after')
        print @cmd -- for debug
        FETCH NEXT FROM audit_cur into @pa
    CLOSE audit_cur
    DEALLOCATE audit_cur

    Don't forget to add Db. prefix everywhere.

    And I think you have confused the names of the tables Iam_audit and Iam in your example. Perhaps you'll need to exchange their names.