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Re-apply table formulas on org-mode export

I'm using an org-mode file to do some filesystem monitoring. To that purpose I have a table in which I'm calling code blocks through org-sbe in the formulas. It looks like this:

#+NAME: part-size
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :var mach="" :var part="" :var bs="TB" :exports none :results silent
 tmp=($(df -B ${bs} /net/${mach}/${part} | tail -1 ))
 bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${tmp[1]}/1024/1024"

#+NAME: part-used
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :var mach="" :var part="" :var bs="TB" :exports none :results silent
 tmp=($(df -B${bs} /net/${mach}/${part} | tail -1))
 bc -l <<< "scale=2; ${tmp[2]}/1024/1024"

| machine | partition | size[TB] | used[TB] | available[TB] |
| mach1   | part1     |     60.0 |     56.0 |           4.0 |
| mach1   | part2     |     15.0 |     12.5 |           2.5 |
| mach2   | part1     |     40.5 |     10.5 |          30.0 |
| total   |           |    115.5 |     79.0 |          36.5 |
#+TBLFM: @>$3..@>$5=vsum(@I..II)::@2$3..@9$3='(org-sbe part-size (mach $$1) (part $$2) (bs \"1MB\"))::@2$4..@9$4='(org-sbe part-used (mach $$1) (part $$2) (bs \"1MB\"))::@2$5..@9$5=$-2 - $-1

My problem is that I export that file regularly and automatically to a web page but the content of the table doesn't get updated. So I'd like to know if there is a way to automatically re-apply the table formulas on export in the same way that you can run code blocks on export.


  • Here's a simplified example that gets an updated time in the table every time you export, using the mechanism that Seth Rothschild suggested in the comment:

    * code                                                     :noexport:                                                                                           
    #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    (defun tables-recalc (backend)
    (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook #'tables-recalc)
    | tables-recalc |
    * table
    #+NAME: gettime
    #+begin_src shell 
    | time                         |
    | Wed Apr 11 16:27:09 EDT 2018 |
    #+TBLFM: $> = '(org-sbe gettime)