Why does minified file equal to a non-minified?
const { mix } = require('laravel-mix');
], 'public/css/index.css');
When running npm run production
, sizes are 128kB (both compressed)
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
mix.js 511 bytes 0 [emitted] mix
/css/index.css 128 kB [emitted]
/css/index.min.css 128 kB [emitted]
When running npm run dev
, both files are of the same size and it is 160 kB
, i.e. both are non-minified. How come a minified version is dependent not upon a min
suffix, but on a dev\prod option?
As from this laravel-mix issue Jeffrey points out that minification only happens in production mode. So to minify your css files, you can have:
], 'public/css/index.css')
Then running the following will concatenate and minify your files.
$ npm run production
Works for