I have textboxes that I want to use to work out the length of time between two time periods.
: 00
: 00
I've tried using DateDiff("n",08
) - (30
*60) but get the #Name error.
I also then need to convert to hours minutes which if the above function worked correctly i'd used (DateDiff("n",08
) - (30
*60)) / 60 & ":" MOD(DateDiff("n",08
) - (30
*60)) to get 7:30
to display in a final textbox.
To calculate the number of hours between the two times, minus the break, we could use:
((16)+(00/60))-((08)+(00/60))-(30/60) = 7.5
....as long as a shift never crosses midnight.
Or, same result:
Alternate Method using TIMESERIAL
(TimeSerial(StartHH, StartMM, StartSS) - TimeSerial(EndHH, EndMM, EndSS) - TimeSerial(BreakHH, Break, BreakSS)) * 24
(TimeSerial(16, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(8, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(0, 30, 0)) * 24 = 7.5
...or formatted:
Format((TimeSerial(16, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(8, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(0, 30, 0)),"HH\hmm\m") = "07h30m"
Format((TimeSerial(16, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(8, 0, 0) - TimeSerial(0, 30, 0)),"HH:mm") = "07:30"
As an example of how data entry could be simplified considerably, and user error eliminated completely, here's a form using Data Validation supplemented by a Total Hours
box for quick verification. Another good way to ensure accuracy is if scheduled shifts are available, actual times worked could be compared to notify of large variances.
I won't get into detailed explanation since it wasn't part of the question (and the OP seems determined not to change) but this only took a few minutes to slap together.
and EndTime
text boxes
- Format: hh:nn;;"H:mm"
- Input Mask: 90:00;0;_
- Validation Text: Please double check your shift time!
text box
- Format: 0
- Input Mask: 00
Option Explicit
Dim breakHr As Single, totalhr As Single
Private Sub BreakMins_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub endTime_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub startTime_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Sub UpdateTotal()
If Nz(startTime, 0) = 0 Or Nz(endTime, 0) = 0 Then Exit Sub
breakHr = Val(Nz(BreakMins, 0)) / 60
'[startTime]/[endTime] textboxes hold full datetime for easy calculation
totalhr = (endTime - startTime) * 24 - breakHr
total = totalhr
End Sub