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make pagination in papaya dicom viewer slices using javascript

i'm using papaya API from github

In this papaya dicom viewer, I want to integrate few things.

One is pagination. if i try to edit this API, I'm getting error

What i want:-

  1. In the papaya viewer NEXT, PREV is working fine but I want to make On click to FIRST and the LAST slice moving.
  2. And also the pagination will be 1,2,3,4...If click ONE first slice should appear.

Advance thanks


  • After download Papaya medical research image viewer, choose to work test folder file, So that you can understand how papaya Dicom viewer working.

    Step 1:-

    In the js folder open constants.js file and create the constants

    var MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE = "move-to-first-slice",
        MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE = "move-to-last-slice";
        PAGINATION_LIST = "pagination-list";


    Now open the viewer.js, create this on click functions FIRST, LAST and 1,2,3... slices(data-value).

        $(this.container.containerHtml.find("#" + MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
        $(this.container.containerHtml.find("#" + MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
        $(this.container.containerHtml.find("." + PAGINATION_LIST + this.container.containerIndex)).click(function () {
            var id = $(this).data('value');

    Step 3:- And open the main.js and create the elements

    papaya.Container.fillContainerHTML = function (containerHTML, isDefault, params, replaceIndex) {
    containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + index) + "' class='" + MOVE_TO_FIRST_SLICE + "'>First</button> ");
    containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_INCREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + index) + "' class='" + PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_INCREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + "'><</button> ");
                    var max = 23;
                    var slice;
                    for(slice=1; slice<=max; slice++){
    containerHTML.append("<button id='"+ (PAGINATION_LIST + index) +"' class='"+ (PAGINATION_LIST + index) + "' data-value='" + slice + "'  OnClick(" + slice +") >" + slice + "</button>");
    containerHTML.append("<button id='"+ (PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_DECREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + index) + "' class='" + PAPAYA_CONTROL_MAIN_DECREMENT_BUTTON_CSS + "'>></button> ");              
                    containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + index) + "' class='" + MOVE_TO_LAST_SLICE + "'>Last</button> ");
                   containerHTML.append("<button type='button' id='"+ (GET_MAX_VALUE + index) + "' class='" + GET_MAX_VALUE + index + "'>TesT</button> ");


    The below functions are important to move slices viewer.js

    //pagination 1,2,3
    papaya.viewer.Viewer.prototype.pagination = function (id, paginationList) {
        var max =  this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim;
        this.currentCoord.z = id;
    // firstLastSlice
    papaya.viewer.Viewer.prototype.firstLastSlice = function (flSlice, degree) {
        var max = this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim;
        if (degree === undefined) {
            degree = 0; 
        if (flSlice) {
            this.currentCoord.z = max;
        } else {
            this.currentCoord.z = 0;


    1. viewer.js calculated total slices this.volume.header.imageDimensions.zDim; and stored the total count in Max variable. If the this.currentCoord.z = max; It will go to last slice else, If the this.currentCoord.z = 0; It will move to first slice.
    2. In pagination on click to passed data-value to viewer.js pagination function and if this.currentCoord.z = id(id <=> data-value ) It will move to particular slice.

    After click using this function this.gotoCoordinate(this.currentCoord); the slice will move.