I want to copy paste data to clipboard from R, and then to powerpoint. As there is a lot to copy paste, I want to eliminate as many steps as possible. The following code gets me my data, but with quotes ("") that I get to have to manually delete afterwards, which is annoying:
# Data similar to mine:
dfrm <- cbind(mtcars, str=stri_rand_strings(nrow(mtcars), 5, '[A-Z]'))
# Output similar to what I want:
a <- t(dfrm["Toyota Corolla", c("cyl", "str", "disp", "hp", "drat")])
# Toyota Corolla
# cyl "4" # Presence of a string element in
# str "NVQJS" # my vector forces all elements to
# disp "71.1" # become string upon transposition
# hp "65"
# drat "4.22"
# I want to get rid of all labels:
write.table(a, "clipboard", row.names = F, col.names = F)
# This is what it looks like when I paste this:
# "4"
# "71.1"
# "65"
# "4.22"
How do I get rid of the quotes, such that my data looks like this when I paste, eliminating the need to manually delete quotes? Thanks.
# Desired result when pasted:
# 4
# 71.1
# 65
# 4.22
Just add quote=FALSE
to your write.table
write.table(a, "clipboard", row.names = F, col.names = F, quote=F)