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C# Selecting a CheckBoxList item(s) by matching against an Array of strings

I'm struggling to find a solution to my problem, I have spent a considerable amount of time trying alternative solutions to no avail. Any help or explanations would be greatly appreciated.

I have a SQL database which has a string field called "categories", this containing a list of categories separated by ',' e.g. Referrals, Outpatients.

So I want this list to be compared to a number of CheckListBoxes items (ID=CategoryCBL), anytime the category matches a CheckListBox item it needs to be selected.

Here's my code:

string categories = result.GetString(12).ToString();
string[] categorie = categories.Split(',');

 //loops through all seperated categories (cat) in categorie.
 foreach(string cat in categorie)
     //loops through all list checkboxes 
     for(int index = 0; index <CategoryCBL.Items.Count; index++)
         //gets the listcheck box string 
         string item = CategoryCBL.Items[index].ToString();
         //compare the list box string against the current Category looking for matches
         if (item == cat)
             //if a match occures the list checkbox at that index is selected 
             CategoryCBL.SelectedIndex = index;

             TextBox1.Text += item + "-" + cat + "-" + index;

Here's my Check list box code:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CategoryCBL" class="listItem" RepeatLayout="Table" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Vertical" runat="server" Width="100%">
    <asp:ListItem>Medical Records</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Outcome Form</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Data Quality</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Executive Reporting</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Infection Control</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Planning and Performance</asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem>Waiting Times</asp:ListItem>

So I take my categories as result.getString(12).ToString(); in this example it equals Infection Control,QlikView,Theatres

You can also see I've printed the result to TextBox1.

Here's the outcome of the above code

as you can see ONLY Theatres is selected.

The output in TextBox1 shows that there are 3 matches occurring at X index's, these index's which line up with the indexes of my individual checklist boxes.

I'd really like to know why only the last matches checklistbox is selected and not the previos 2 matches.

any ideas?

Thank you.


  • Set the Selected property to true for each item you need to be checked.

    foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList.Items)
        item.Selected = true;

    In your code:

    //loops through all list checkboxes 
     for(int index = 0; index <CategoryCBL.Items.Count; index++)
         //gets the listcheck box string 
         string item = CategoryCBL.Items[index].ToString();
         //compare the list box string against the current Category looking for matches
         if (item == cat)
             //if a match occures the list checkbox at that index is selected 
             CategoryCBL.Items[index].Selected= true;
             TextBox1.Text += item + "-" + cat + "-" + index;

    I think this question is similar and might have other and better answers Check multiple items in ASP.NET CheckboxList