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returning firebase array returns tuple instead of array

I'm querying from firebase realtime database, storing each result in an array, and returning this array. While the data is correct, I am not returning it in a type I want it to be in.

The code for this function is

exports.getprojects = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
  const uid = req.body.uid;
  var projectref = fref.child('projects');
  var projarr = [];

  // Make the promise object for query
  const projpromise = projectref.orderByChild('key').equalTo(uid).once('value');
  // Another Promise for pushing to array
  const pushpromise = projpromise.then(snap => {
    var proj_item = snap.val();

    // push to array
    return proj_item;
  }).catch(reason => {
    return res.json(400);

  // Respond with array
  return pushpromise.then((proj_item) => {
    return res.json(200, projarr);
  }).catch(reason => {
    return res.json(400);

This function queries all the right data, but returns in format like this :

    "project_id": {
        "project_title": "Test Project1",
        "project_type": "Long Term"


What I need is for this function to return in format like below :

    "project_id": {
        "project_title": "Test Project1",
        "project_type": "Long Term"


How can I achieve this? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


  • To turn your array into a JSON object with just the key-value pairs, do something like this:

    var array = [
        {"project_id": {
            "project_title": "Test Project1",
            "project_type": "Long Term"
        {"project_id2": {
            "project_title": "Test Project2",
            "project_type": "Medium Term"
        {"project_id3": {
            "project_title": "Test Project3",
            "project_type": "Short Term"
    var result = {};
    array.forEach(function(object) { 
      var key = Object.keys(object)[0];
      result[key] = object[key];