I'm using Swifter Library to try to post a tweet with a photo but every time I try, i get an error "The operation couldn’t be completed. (SwifteriOS.SwifterError error 1.)"
My code looks like
var tweetMedia: [String: Any]?
//I then set tweetMedia to a UIImageView from the UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage
let picForTwitterApi = tweetMedia![UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! UIImage
let image = UIImagePNGRepresentation(picForTwitterApi) as Data?
self.swifter?.postTweet(status: tweetText, media: image!, inReplyToStatusID: nil, coordinate: nil, placeID: nil, displayCoordinates: nil, trimUser: false,
tweetMode: TweetMode.default, success: { json in self.alert(title: "Tweet PHOTO sent", message: "👍🏾")
}, failure: failureHandler)
But it does not work, i even tried
self.swifter?.postMedia(image!, additionalOwners: nil, success: { json in
instead, still no success.
When I post a regular vanilla tweet like
self.swifter?.postTweet(status: tweetText, inReplyToStatusID: nil, trimUser: false, tweetMode: TweetMode.default, success: { json in
Everything works perfectly fine, I only have problems when I try to post a photo. Please help. Thanks in advance
I found the solution. The picture must be small. Even smaller than 5mb the documentation suggest. I used an image that was only 100KB and it worked. If I want to post a larger image/video (even just one picture) you have to use the chunked media post ability