I am looking for a solution for this screenshot. Explanation is: I want a value in a cell returnd using [index match match] or some other formula to look into column A, if that's not found then next or even next if not found there.
After finding value in any column it should search row with second part of [match] in the formula.
Please help me formulate it.
The current formula: =INDEX(B3:I17, MATCH(TODAY()+1,B3:B17,0), MATCH("G-devotee",B3:I3,0))
Use AGGREGATE() as the second criterion in the INDEX instead of MATCH:
=INDEX(F:I, AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW(B4:E17)/(TODAY()+1=B4:E17),1), MATCH("G-devotee",F3:I3,0))