Following a review of the var
feature as seen here:
I have encountered difficulties with setting up my Eclipse/IntelliJ IDEA IDEs with JDK 10 and am therefore asking help from Stack Overflow users who have a working Java 10 environment.
Consider the following:
public class A {
public void someMethod() { ... }
public class B extends A{
public void someMethod() { ... }
var myA = new A(); // Works as expected
myA = new B(); // Expected to fail in compilation due to var being
// syntactic sugar for declaring an A type
myA = (A) (new B()); // Should work
myA.someMethod(); // The question - which someMethod implementation is called?
When using var
, I expect the JVM to recognize the deriving class type which the variable holds. And to execute B:someMethod() instead of A:someMethod() when executing myA.someMethod().
Is this indeed the case?
Thanks to nullpointer providing a link to an online Java 10 compiler, I got the following interesting results:
public class Main {
static class A {
public void someMethod() { System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()); }
static class B extends A{
public void someMethod() { System.out.println("Derived: " + this.getClass().getName()); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
var myA = new A();
myA = new B(); // does not fail to compile!
And the outputs:
Main$A // As expected
Derived: Main$B // As expected in inheritance
Conclusion - var is syntactic sugar:
var myA = new A()
is equivalent to A myA = new A()
, with all the OOP associated with it.
PS: I tried to play a little with a var holding an anonymous class and came up with this interesting behavior - thanks (yet again) to nullpointer for mentioning it as a duplicate of why can't we assign two inferred variables as an anonymous class to each other:
static interface Inter {
public void method();
public static void main(String[] args) {
var inter = new Inter() {
public void method() {System.out.println("popo");}
inter = new Inter() {
public void method() {System.out.println("koko");}
And the output: error: incompatible types: <anonymous Inter> cannot be converted to <anonymous Inter>
inter = new Inter() {
The second assignment to var fails due to the second anonymous class type differing from the first anonymous class type - enforcing the syntactic sugar role of the var
It is surprising that the error message is not more refined - currently it makes little sense since the type names displayed in the error are identical!