Search code examples

Can anyone please explain this piece of code?

         var string1=prompt("Enter text");     
} while(!string1||!/^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/.test(string1));

Can someone please explain to me the condition inside while in detail?


  • !string will be true if the string is not empty, meaning string !== '' && string !== null && string !== false && string !== undefined

    The regular expression /^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/ matches any string that only contains a letter/whitespace and by doing ! we want the oppossite. A string that contains at least one character that it is not a letter/whitespace

    enter image description here

    The .test method evaluates a regular expression against a given string, and will return true if the pattern matches the string.


    '333' // true
    ' 333' // true
    'aaa' // false
    '   ' // false
    '3a3' // true

    const arr = [
      '333', // I have at least 1 non letter/whitespace
      '444', // I have at least 1 non letter/whitespace
      ' 44', // I have at least 1 non letter/whitespace
      'a$', // I have at least 1 non letter/whitespace
      'aaaa', // false
      'ZZZ', // false
      '   ', // false
      '"$a%' // I have at least 1 non letter/whitespace
    arr.forEach(string => {
      console.log(`${string}: ${!/^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/.test(string)}`);