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richTextBox.DrawToBitmap Does Not Draw Containing Text?

If I have a richTextBox and run DrawToBitmap on it, it doesn't draw any of the text inside of the richTextBox.

Bitmap b = new Bitmap(rtb.Width, rtb.Height);
inputControl.DrawToBitmap(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height));

Is there any way to fix this?


  • This thread came up second in Google. Seems to have exactly what you want. Because I imagine you're using this inside your function from this question Accepting Form Elements As Method Arguments?, it's probably best to do something like this.

    if(inputControl is RichTextBox)
        //do specifc magic here
        //general case

    You can check for a Control containing RichTextBox recursively

    bool ContainsOrIsRichTextBox(Control inputControl)
        if(inputControl is RichTextBox) return true;
        foreach(Control control in inputControl.Controls)
            if(ContainsOrIsRichTextBox(control)) return true;
        return false;

    I haven't compiled this, and there's a way of doing it without risking a StackOverflowException, but this should get you started.