I have 2 classes attached to 2 different GUIs, PlayerInfoGUI and DiplomacyGUI.
I am trying to have a method in PlayerInfoGUI create a list of buttons dynamically which, when clicked will then pull up DiplomacyGUI. (Both GUIs as well as the dynamic buttons have their own prefabs created)
My PlayerInfoGUI class dynamically populates a panel with buttons using the PopulatePlayerList method.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PlayerInfoGUI : MonoBehaviour
public Image[] guiElements;
public GameObject playerInfoButtonPrefab, canvasParent;
public GameObject diplomacyMenu;
void Awake ()
PopulatePlayerList (GameEngine.competingPlayers);
void PopulatePlayerList (List<CompetingPlayer> players)
for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) {
GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate
Button playerInfoButton = go.GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Button>
CompetingPlayer receivingPlayer = players [i];
playerInfoButton.onClick.AddListener (() => handleDiplomacyMenu
go.transform.SetParent (canvasParent.transform, false);
public void handleDiplomacyMenu (CompetingPlayer receivingPlayer)
diplomacyMenu.SetActive (true);
The listener on the PlayerInfo Button is firing when clicked, but the diplomacyMenu GameObject is not showing up in the scene. Most of the research I have read says this should be a simple diplomacyMenu.SetActive(true), or a diplomacy.gameObject.SetActive(true), but this doesn't work.
I have confirmed that the code is being run, but the object cannot be seen. Thank you in Advance!
You're using diplomacyMenu.gameObject when diplomacyMenu is already a game object, this might cause issues. Also make sure the prefab that is represented by diplomacyMenu has its children enabled. I think SetActive() just sets the top level parent to enabled, not any nested objects.