I have a few helper classes like UnlockedTestCase
that configure my app for special scenario tests.
Theses classes show up in the test navigator without tests.
Is there a way to mark then as "not test classes" in order for them to be ignored by the test navigator?
UPDATE: Sample code:
class UnlockedTestCase: XCTestCase {
var app = XCUIApplication()
override func setUp() {
continueAfterFailure = false
app.launchArguments = ["uiTesting", "unlock"]
A test would then be written as:
class UnlockedUITests: UnlockedTestCase {
func testButton() {
Assuming the following structure:
MyTestHelperClassName: XCTestCase {
//... your helper methods
Remove its subclass declaration of XCTestCase
i.e the : XCTestCase
Then it will not appear in the "Test Navigator"