I have a simple query that pulls a list of records by their ID:
<cfquery name="resTotals" datasource="#datasource#">
SELECT ticket_id
FROM closed_tickets
WHERE YEAR(closed_date) = '2017'
AND ticket_type = 'residential'
I am then trying to loop through those ID's in another query of a different table so I can check for the existence of a payment record. The goal is to then total up all the payment records find to get a total amount in dollar of payments.
I have this query to do that but it is throwing an error: Can't cast String [99.00] to a value of type [Array]
<cfloop query="resTotals">
<cfquery name="resPaymentTotals" datasource="#datasource#">
SELECT payment_amount
FROM payments
WHERE ticket_id = #resTotals.ticket_id#
Amount of Sales: $ #ArraySum(resPaymentTotals.payment_amount)#
What am I doing wrong? Am I on the right track?
<cfset total = 0 >
<cfloop query="resTotals">
<cfquery name="resPaymentTotals" datasource="#datasource#">
select payment_amount
from payments
where ticket_id = #resTotals.ticket_id#
<cfset total = total + resPaymentTotals.payment_amount >
Amount of Sales: $ #total#