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Implementing an event system (Java)

Ok, so I am basically trying to create my own events/listener system for a project I'm working on. I'm trying to have a system where I create an event with an abstract class and I can then create a listener that every time that event is called, the code within the listener is also called. Here's what I've got so far: (Abstract class where I will be able to create new events)

private String name;
private boolean cancelled;

public String getEventName() {
    if ( == null) { = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public boolean isCancelled() {
    return cancelled;

public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
    this.cancelled = cancelled;
} (Interface for being able to recognise when a method is a listener)

public @interface EventHandler {} (Interface for being able to recognise when a class contains a listener)

public interface Listener {} (A class that will execute the listener code, I've started but this is where I need help to call the method to execute the code)

public void execute(Class clazz){
    if(!clazz.isAssignableFrom(Listener.class)) return;
    for(Method method : clazz.getMethods()){
        if(!method.isAnnotationPresent(EventHandler.class)) continue;

So what I am asking is how (in EventExecutor) could I call (invoke) the method when the annotation is present. The method for example could be public void onUpdate(ProgramUpdateEvent event) or be onClose(ProgramCloseEvent event). Thanks any help is appreciated.


  • You need to actually have an instance of the listener. Your execute method should look like this:

    public void execute(Listener listener) {

    To invoke, just put

    method.invoke(listener, event);

    The first argument is the object to actually invoke the method on, and the second one is the parameter for the method. Because the methods aren't static, you need a reference to the object. (if you make them static, just put null instead of the listener)